Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I just wanted to say that I'm extremely sorry for not keeping up with my postings. I've been sick and busy like you wouldn't believe since Monday, and I haven't been finding time to keep up with my blog.

Since I couldn't post on Monday, there is no featured DeviantARTist this week. Sorry guys.

If it helps, I have a review of Bakugan GI episode 25.

Once upon a time, Ren saw a firefly. Then he listened to some Owl City and decided he wanted to be FREE. So when he grew up, he turned into a total douchebag and betrayed the emperor. Also, Linehalt decided he'd provide gratuitous nightmare fuel for the entire viewing audience. The end.

Seriously, I didn't know that Linehalt even HAD a mouth.

Schedule should hopefully be back to normal tomorrow.

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