Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve and I've Only Wrapped 2 F*cking Presents

You heard me right.

It's Christmas Eve, I'm nowhere near done with my giftart for people, I'm leaving for my grandma's house in an hour...

Yeah, some people aren't getting gifts this year. Fuck it all.

In other news, I've found a strange obsession with Big Time Rush.
I dunno why. :/

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


After a long (unannounced) break, I'm back into the swing of blogging stuff!
Sorry about the lack of updates... I've been busy, school's been really sucking, exams are coming up...

It really sucks right now.

So there's my lameass excuse for not updating in over a month.

Oh, the other excuse is my recent Tower Prep obsession.
You can all disown me now. :]

Sunday, November 7, 2010

No, I'm not

Definitely not back on track.

No more excuses.

For now, just enjoy my review of Bakugan GI Episode 29.

Dan has HAD IT with these motherfucking Serpenoids on this motherfucking airship.
Fabia... shut up shut up STOP RANTING!
Oh Jake... you're so cute. Seriously, I've found myself really liking Jake recently.
Drago is talking to himself. What a freak.
At least Neathians make normal-looking food. (For reference, look at some of the stuff Vestals ate. It looks like... euuuuugh)
Dragonoid Colossus has a mind of his own? Oh lord. 
Nurzak? Mason? ALIVE? Oh wait they're just caught between dimensions. Sounds pretty epic... or lame. It's kind of a way to avoid saying "They died".
Dragonoid and Dharaknoid... what. I wasn't looking for a lesson in Bakugan genealogy... I came here for sexyness. Not learning. 
Now they're taking acid. And learning!
Drago's new evolution is ugly. What happened to his face? And the random white parts are just... yeah, that's not normal. Get rid of it. Devolve it. Lumino was cooler.
Ha, Dan brought the Gundalians back. Oh, and they hate Barodius. Freakin' SWEET!
So episode 30... they're going to ride into the Gundalian palace. On a giant metal dragon. Then they're gonna kidnap Jake... and take some random Gundalians with them too. Then they're gonna leave. On a giant metal dragon.
...This stopped making sense a long time ago.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Back on track?


So today I'm gonna feature my DeviantARTist and then go into my Bakugan review... and I guess I'll talk about my Halloween.

The featured DeviantARTist this week is...

Continuing on.

I'm watching Bakugan: GI Episode 28 as I type this.
And honestly, I'm getting sick of the castle knight outfits. I thought they were sexy at first, but now I want everyone back in their normal clothes. Especially Ren
First I fap'd to Aranaut in bondage... and now Jake in bondage is getting me all hot and bothered... issues. I have them.
The lighting effects when Kazarina walked in during that scene were... awkward. Actually, the lighting in that entire scene was totally awkward. Actually, that entire scene itself was just... awkward.
Hawktor's voice still bothers me.
Jake's voice when it's all robotic just... euuuuuugh. He sounds totally baked. Dan Petronijevic or whatever must've been doing some serious drugs right before recording.
Nightmare Jake... gives me a boner. I... don't know why. And his laugh... reminds me of Shadow. In a good way. I think I've changed my mind about his voice too...
And of course, Shun shows up at an inappropriate time. Nobody asked for him. Nobody likes him anymore.
Explosix is the most inappropriate name for a Battle Gear ever.
Ha! The Gundalians get to keep Jake! FUCKING OWNED
Nurzak... what? WHERE?

Okay so now for my Halloween.
I was human!Stoica.
And I got lots of candy.
And everyone loved my hair.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

More apologies.

Why do my teachers give me 3000 years worth of homework? Do they not understand that I have a life (not to mention 6 other classes)?

That's my excuse this time for not updating. I've had assignments, projects, and tests piled on top of me until I can't breathe anymore. And then I died last night, came back to life this afternoon, and found even more homework waiting for me! Yay!

Back to business.

Everyone has a stupid friend, right?

Well, I know I do. God love her, but she's just so... slow. Sometimes, when I talk to her, it feels like I'm talking to a wall. A mentally retarded wall. And that's offensive to the wall! But I still love her... dearly, not queerly.

By the way... I'm pretty sure that Ash's Mamepato is female JUST BECAUSE the animators don't want to animate a male Kenhoro, what with that bigass facial plumage

It's alright guys, everyone gets lazy sometimes.

Even me.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rage of the Cincinnati variety

Yes, I'm in a... mood right now.
But before we go any further, here's our featured DeviantARTist of the week!

Go send her love :)

Back to my mood.
I'm trying to settle down and get homework done before watching Adventure Time, Regular Show, MAD, and possibly Total Drama World Tour... but first, I'm gonna check my DeviantART messages. 
...Let's Google this, I'm sure these people are just messing with my mind.
-One Google search later...-
God damn it all.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I just wanted to say that I'm extremely sorry for not keeping up with my postings. I've been sick and busy like you wouldn't believe since Monday, and I haven't been finding time to keep up with my blog.

Since I couldn't post on Monday, there is no featured DeviantARTist this week. Sorry guys.

If it helps, I have a review of Bakugan GI episode 25.

Once upon a time, Ren saw a firefly. Then he listened to some Owl City and decided he wanted to be FREE. So when he grew up, he turned into a total douchebag and betrayed the emperor. Also, Linehalt decided he'd provide gratuitous nightmare fuel for the entire viewing audience. The end.

Seriously, I didn't know that Linehalt even HAD a mouth.

Schedule should hopefully be back to normal tomorrow.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I ruined it.

I was gonna post yesterday...
But I was far too busy.
Also, I didn't finish Gunstar Super Heroes like I'd expected so...
That's why I didn't have a video game review yesterday.

Also, I can't find the new Bakugan episode online.
So no Bakugan review.


Friday, October 8, 2010

That wasn't remarkable.

Sorry, I just wasn't impressed by yesterday's Pokemon episode.
Ash catches an abused fire type, Mijumaru proves that he's as worthless as he seems, and Pikachu gets kidnapped.
Speaking of Pikachu, isn't it at least slightly amusing that every time Ash pulls out his Pikachu, everyone freaks out like they've never seen a Pikachu before. 
Next week we have the waiter threesome... this can't be good.

But I was impressed with episode 4 of Sym-Bionic Titan. Just putting that out there.

Why doesn't that show have a Fetish Fuel page on TVTropes?
Episode 4 was the perfect setup for it. We have shirtless scenes, a tentacle monster that violates you via mouth and has a seductress voice, gratuitous clothing damage, chicks with large... assets, plenty of bondage, electric shock torture... and I could probably go on.
I didn't take my pants off, they just came off. I swear.
I personally have a thing for guys in hoodies. Just a personal preference is all.
...Ironically, I also have quite a thing for guys in tuxedos.

They sure do know their target demographic.

Xishi is preeeeeetty badass for a tentacle monster. Seductress voice, unknown gender, violates victims via mouth, mindrapes people, etc.
Unfortunately, it's still primo nightmare fuel material. There goes any chance of me sleeping tonight.

Tomorrow's video game review: Gunstar Super Heroes

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today, I'm going to take an acceptable break from reality to review the 5 new episodes of Bakugan.

Sorry if I get stuff wrong/leave out important details/sound like I don't care. I'm doing this from memory.


Episode 20- Partners 'Til the End
Kayso. I think I need a list of reasons why I love Zenet. She's totally underloved and nobody likes her. I've seen her called "annoying", "bratty", "stupid", etc. Yet she's somehow one of my favorite characters. I think it has something to do with her hair. And that nice hat of hers. And the fact that she makes me laugh.
Haters gonna hate, I suppose.
Her imitation skills are pretty lulzy. Just saying.
Aaaaaaand Gill decides to be a dick and kill her. Whoop-de-freakin-doo. Can I be the first person in the entire fandom to say that I don't like Gill? Because I don't. I think he's kind of a dick.

Episode 21- Divide and Conquer
You know it's a good episode when it starts out with Nurzak burning stuff.
Unfortunately, it allllll goes downhill from there.
This entire episode reminded me of New Vestroia Episode 39. You know, the one where Gus supposedly dies, but, ha ha, surprise surprise, he's actually alive and kicking. Yes, THAT New Vestroia episode 39. That's all I could think of. So yeah, it was kind of hard for me to watch this episode.
You know it's a bad episode when Sabator explodes.
Also, I hate Kazarina as well. In the beginning, she's all like "I'M ONLY LOYAL TO BARODIUS". Then a few episodes later, she's all like "Jk let's ditch these fags". Then a few MORE episodes later, she's all like "oh by the way I kinda lied before and now I'm on Barodius' side again".

Episode 22- Mobile Assault
Let me just say that BMAVs, more commonly known as Bakugan Mobile Assault Vehicles, are the most idiotic thing ever invented. Why does my Dharak feel the need to drive? Does he have a driver's license? What about my Lythirus? Is he legal and eligible to drive? I NEED ANSWERS, DAMNIT!
The episode starts out unremarkable. I was honestly bored.
And then... HE showed up.
Stoica's human form may be one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. (Not as sexy as Lance, but... pretty close.)
Of course, we get a gratuitous close-up of his ass. Of course, he's also wearing rather... tight jeans.
And suspenders.
I didn't take my pants off, they just kinda came off by themselves.
Mindraping kids is the easiest way to win wars. And now that I've said it, the terrorists will start doing it. You're welcome.

Episode 23- Sid Returns
WHAT? He's supposed to be dead!
Apparently nobody cares about Mason. Pity, I kind of liked that Mason guy. He was pretty cool. And he brawled Subterra... which is apparently the fast track to either dying or being ignored completely after a while. Most likely dying though.
Colossus Drago is just Maxus Drago version 2. Lame. Drago needs to stop being a Mary Sue and lose a couple hundred battles. I'm sick and tired of him practically curbstomping any enemy that dares stand in his way. Sure, he's supposed to be the cool Mega Badass Dragon who saves the day and fights for his friends and never dies, but there's a fine line between Crystal Dragon Jesus (awesome) and Mary Sue (not awesome). And he's crossing it over and over and over.... and over and over and over... oh, screw it, he pretty much burned the line, stabbed it repeatedly, and then stomped all over it.
Oh, this is one of those episodes where we get flashbacks to every important death... besides Mason.
Except they're not really dead, just stuck in tubes where they apparently will eventually drown.
Ahahaha, you just got Dharak'd.
Sid x Ren is a cool pairing bro. Unfortunately, since Sid died, all Ren will do is angst about it.

Episode 24- Colossus Dharak
Poor emo Ren. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. Nobody cares that your boyfriend is dead because, quite frankly, he sort of deserved it.
Also, the writers take delight in killing people.
Has anyone noticed that Airzel hasn't been doing much for the last few episodes?
Actually, has anyone noticed that Airzel just doesn't do stuff?
Oh, so Ren can have character development, but no one from Season 2 (save Spectra and Mira, if that's what you wanna call it) is allowed to have any? Nobody here even LIKES Ren. He's a wangsty little emo kid who hates his past. We don't need any more emos, I'm pretty sure that Alice and Mira were enough for this series.
Yeah, Airzel threw his Bakugan. Doesn't really count as doing stuff.
Barodius reminds me of Hitler on that eyecatch. Just saying.
Try as he might, Hawktor will never be able to defeat Strikeflier. It's a true fact. Hawktor is another guy I don't like, mostly because his voice is annoying and he can never replace the tranny awesomeness that was Ingram.
What's with all of these constant flashbacks to Sid's death? Is Ren really that much of an emo kid?
There we go! Drago gets his ass royally whooped! By Dharak! YES! For once, the almighty Drago LOSES A BATTLE!
...Ren, you just screwed yourself.

Next week- Ren gets character development and fights Barodius.

30 minutes until Sym-Bionic Titan. Don't think I can survive that long.

Monday, October 4, 2010

I have glue on my arm.

And our featured Deviant Artist of the week is...

In other news, please raise your hand if you agree that high school students shouldn't have to make magazine cutout collages.
-raises hand-
Especially if they're mentally challenged like me when it comes to arts and crafts stuff like that. Don't get me wrong, I can draw, but when it comes to cutting and pasting, I'm completely and utterly retarded.
Oh, and I hate Mondays with intense fiery passion.

Now I'm off to watch Adventure Time and study for the 5 tests I have tomorrow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What a waste.

As I sit here in my school's orchestra room typing this, I realize that yesterday was a total waste of a Saturday. 

This is how yesterday went:
7:30 AM: Wake up, get dressed, go back to bed.

7:46 AM: Get in the car. Realize that I left my phone upstairs.
7:48 AM: Finally leave for work. Argue with mom the entire way there. Get stuck at every red light possible.
8:01 AM: Arrive at work. Get mad because the time clock is 5 minutes fast, so it seems like I'm ridiculously late.
8:02 AM: Start morning clean-up. Go ridiculously slow... not on purpose though.
8:58 AM: Finish morning clean-up. Buy and consume a package of chocolate donuts and a Mountain Dew.
9:02 AM: Start morning walks.
10:54 AM: Although morning walks aren't finished, get stopped by co-worker and start feeding. Get ankle bitten by a Staffordshire Terrier.
11:35 AM: Decide that I no longer give a crap about work.
12:30 PM: Consume a can of Lemonade.
1:01 PM: Leave work.
1:12 PM: Get home. Sit down and have a sandwich.
1:26 PM: Fall asleep on chair whilst listening in on my mom's phone conversation with my aunt.
1:45 PM: Get sent upstairs by mom to go clean my room. Get on computer and check dA messages instead.
1:51 PM: Start playing Pokemon Yellow on GameBoy Color.
2:04 PM: Decide that Pokemon is too tiring.
2:14 PM: Fall asleep at computer. While leaning on my hand. Most uncomfortable sleep ever.
4:42 PM: Wake up with a start. Take off glasses, put computer and GameBoy Color away, curl up, go back to sleep.
6:33 PM: Get called down to dinner. Eat pasta, asparagus, grapes, and pork. Yum.
6:57 PM: Finish dinner. Curl up on floor with Rufus in an attempt to get more sleep.
6:58 PM: Get yelled at for sleeping on the floor. Load dishwasher, otherwise known as "putting the dishes in the sink".
7:02 PM: Go back to sleep.
10:30 PM: Brain decides I've slept enough, so now I'm awake. Go pee.
10:42 PM: After tossing and turning for 10 minutes, decide to play Drawn to Life 2. 
11:53 PM: Decide that Drawn to Life is also too tiring. Finally go to sleep.

Times are estimated.

This morning, upon waking up, I found out that I apparently missed a Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders marathon. I'm pretty mad at myself, I mean, I heard that they were killing people out there! WHY DO I ALWAYS MISS THIS SORT OF THING? The internet will be of no use, since the Canadians have no brains and will NEVER air a marathon like Cartoon Network does. And Cartoon Network will take approximately 100 years to put the episodes on their network, if they ever do. 

Uh, in other words, you get NO EPISODE REVIEW TODAY! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Sorry about ruining my wonderful schedule on my first day.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I suppose...

I guess you're probably wondering what the hell this is.

This is my blog, Terra's Little Blog. It's a way for you normal people to get a visual of the world as seen through the eyes of a stoic teenage girl. Trust me, it's a lot better than it sounds.

I'll try and stick to an update schedule. For now, it's as follows:

Sundays- Rants/Bakugan episode reviews
Mondays- General postings/Deviant Artist of the week
Tuesdays- General postings/Retro Game Reviews (every other)
Wednesdays- off
Thursdays- Japanese Pokemon episode reviews/General postings
Fridays- Fangirl Fridays
Saturdays- Video Game Reviews

In case you're wondering what this means:

On Sundays, I watch Bakugan. After I watch the episode, I'll give you lovely people a recap of what happened this week. I'll also probably have a wonderful angry rant in store for you.

On Mondays, I'll have some "general postings". This term refers to a post about any topic I choose. For example, I might have one about my work, one about oversized stuffed animals, or one about what I'm listening to on my iPod right now. Also, I'll pick a person from DeviantART who inspires me/makes me smile, and I'll post some of their work and a link to their page.

On Tuesdays, I'll just have general stuff, if anything. Expect Tuesdays to be slow.

On Wednesdays, I have homework. No posts for you unless there's something important that I HAVE TO SAY.

On Thursdays,along with my general postings, I'll review the latest Japanese Pokemon episode. I bet you're all ECSTATIC.

Fridays are Fangirl Fridays. In other words, the inner psycho, rabid, drooling, fangirl Terra comes out and talks to you instead of normal, sane Terra. I can't be responsible for anything she says. This might be every other Friday, since I have, y'know, work and stuff.

Every Saturday, I'll review a video game. Any game. Requests can be sent to However, the catch is, I have to have PLAYED the game before. So unless you have a good, playable ROM and an emulator that will run on this laptop, then you had better pick a game that I have/can easily go buy from Games Galore. These reviews will be totally unbiased, or at least I'll try my best. Oh, and no Halo or Call of Doody or anything like that. Be realistic.

And now, I leave you with a picture of my wife, Lance. Enjoy.