Sunday, October 3, 2010

What a waste.

As I sit here in my school's orchestra room typing this, I realize that yesterday was a total waste of a Saturday. 

This is how yesterday went:
7:30 AM: Wake up, get dressed, go back to bed.

7:46 AM: Get in the car. Realize that I left my phone upstairs.
7:48 AM: Finally leave for work. Argue with mom the entire way there. Get stuck at every red light possible.
8:01 AM: Arrive at work. Get mad because the time clock is 5 minutes fast, so it seems like I'm ridiculously late.
8:02 AM: Start morning clean-up. Go ridiculously slow... not on purpose though.
8:58 AM: Finish morning clean-up. Buy and consume a package of chocolate donuts and a Mountain Dew.
9:02 AM: Start morning walks.
10:54 AM: Although morning walks aren't finished, get stopped by co-worker and start feeding. Get ankle bitten by a Staffordshire Terrier.
11:35 AM: Decide that I no longer give a crap about work.
12:30 PM: Consume a can of Lemonade.
1:01 PM: Leave work.
1:12 PM: Get home. Sit down and have a sandwich.
1:26 PM: Fall asleep on chair whilst listening in on my mom's phone conversation with my aunt.
1:45 PM: Get sent upstairs by mom to go clean my room. Get on computer and check dA messages instead.
1:51 PM: Start playing Pokemon Yellow on GameBoy Color.
2:04 PM: Decide that Pokemon is too tiring.
2:14 PM: Fall asleep at computer. While leaning on my hand. Most uncomfortable sleep ever.
4:42 PM: Wake up with a start. Take off glasses, put computer and GameBoy Color away, curl up, go back to sleep.
6:33 PM: Get called down to dinner. Eat pasta, asparagus, grapes, and pork. Yum.
6:57 PM: Finish dinner. Curl up on floor with Rufus in an attempt to get more sleep.
6:58 PM: Get yelled at for sleeping on the floor. Load dishwasher, otherwise known as "putting the dishes in the sink".
7:02 PM: Go back to sleep.
10:30 PM: Brain decides I've slept enough, so now I'm awake. Go pee.
10:42 PM: After tossing and turning for 10 minutes, decide to play Drawn to Life 2. 
11:53 PM: Decide that Drawn to Life is also too tiring. Finally go to sleep.

Times are estimated.

This morning, upon waking up, I found out that I apparently missed a Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders marathon. I'm pretty mad at myself, I mean, I heard that they were killing people out there! WHY DO I ALWAYS MISS THIS SORT OF THING? The internet will be of no use, since the Canadians have no brains and will NEVER air a marathon like Cartoon Network does. And Cartoon Network will take approximately 100 years to put the episodes on their network, if they ever do. 

Uh, in other words, you get NO EPISODE REVIEW TODAY! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Sorry about ruining my wonderful schedule on my first day.

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